Monday, March 17, 2014

Interesting Graph

Hey there,

        My name is Jeremy, and I found something very interesting as I was reading and a book for my ENG 101 class called "The Climate Casino: Risk, Uncertainty, and Economics for a Warming World." by William Nordhaus.  On P.46 of this book there is a graph showing the global temperature trends since 1850-2012 calculated by 3 different research groups.  The results for each of their findings were recorded all on the same graph using different lines to indicate the data and whom it belonged to.  The interesting part about this graph is that they all recorded different exact numbers, but their numbers were so close to each other that it was almost identical.  Secondly all of their findings showed the same resulting trend.  That trend is that since 1850 til now global temperatures have been rising.  To see 3 different groups come up with the same conclusion is pretty compelling to say the least.  It also tells us that the issue of climate change and global warming isn't just a fad or something that we should brush off since we are experiencing abnormal weather occurring throughout the world.  As a fellow Lagcc student I would recommend that you take a look and see for yourself if you get the chance.  This is an issue that affects us, and not only us in this generation but the next one that we pass the torch to.  To make this world a better place we need to look at information like this and see how we can do our part to help.  I do understand how someone can be skeptical about something like this especially since the data is not exact for all 3 groups.  However it is a pretty solid source considering that all 3 groups research resulted in the same outcome, which was global temperatures are increasing.  I just saw this information and wanted to share it with a fellow classmate.  I hope this information find you well.

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